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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Navy seizes large haul of drugs worth $100 million

The Saudi Navy has seized over 450 kilograms of methamphetamine, also known as Crystal Meth, with an estimated value of 100 million dollars.

The drugs were seized by HMS Montrose, a vessel belonging to the maritime multinational alliance, the Combined Task Force 150 being commanded by the Saudi Royal Naval Forces.

The seized haul is the largest in the history of the Combined Task Force 150, which is conducting a mission to boost security in an area of 3.3 million nautical miles including the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabia Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean to combat terrorism and related activities of drug and arms smuggling.

“This operation is considered the most successful operation against methamphetamine in the history of the naval Combined Task Force 150,” the mission’s commander rear Admiral Sulaiman bin Halil Al Faqeeh said without giving details.

Drug smuggling is an offense punishable by death in Saudi Arabia.


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