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UAE: 3rd Edition of MENA CSR Report Announced

Cicero & Bernay Communication Consultancy (C&B), a leading MENA agency headquartered in Dubai, in partnership with 3Gem Research and Insights, a global research partner, have announced the third edition of their annual MENA CSR Report 2022.  In recent years, countries in the Middle East have started to take significant steps towards fostering a culture of social responsibility, with the UAE and KSA leading the way in promoting sustainable and socially responsible practices. The 2022 report highlights a positive change in sentiment among some previously low-scoring countries.

The survey engaged 314 C-level executives from nine countries across 12 industries in the MENA region, providing a representative sample of the business community, with respondents from companies of various sizes and sectors. The survey was designed to be comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics that are relevant to the corporate social responsibility (CSR) landscape in the region. As a result, the CSR MENA Report is a credible and solid source of information that provides insights into the perceptions and actions of business leaders in the region.

The increased perception of the importance of CSR in the region, especially in the UAE, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, signals a significant shift towards a more sustainable and socially responsible business environment. This highlights the increasing recognition of a business’s role in promoting sustainable development and the potential for these countries to lead the way in this area.

Download the full report with its findings and further insights from the following link: https://www.cbpr.me/mena-csr-survey-report-2022/


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