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200th EditionPeople & Culture

Less is More: Sustainability for a Better Future

Committing to social responsibilities, environmental preservation, and economic growth for a better future.

Today, we see many steps being taken towards developing as a society whilst remaining socially and environmentally responsible. Sustainability argues that resources are finite and should be used wisely and sparingly, with a long-term view of resource priorities and consequences. 

Sustainability, at its most fundamental level, is about our children and grandchildren, as well as the planet we will leave them on. The well-networked system that we live in not only affects in real time but also creates a butterfly effect for future resources. What we do today will have a huge impact on future generations. 

As responsible members of this society, humans have initiated various campaigns and schemes to aid sustainable development and protection of resources, including solar energy and electric vehicles.

Sustainability in Individuals

How can I develop a sustainable lifestyle? It is important to recognise that the issues that affect our environment are not limited to huge corporations; we all contribute our grain of sand in some way.

Limiting how much energy is used, adopting eco-friendly items, and modifying one’s diet are all examples of ways an individual might live sustainably.

Waste Recycling - Light Recycle WA

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Terms that we have grown up with. Although our individual acts may appear tiny, they can have a major and positive impact; our commitment and awareness are required to achieve true sustainable development.

Sustainability in Businesses

Companies are becoming more aware of the need to act on sustainability as expectations for corporate responsibility are rising and transparency is becoming more common. 

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In recent years, major organisations have made commitments to cut their carbon footprint and enhance their sustainability activities. Even on a lesser scale, the research reveals that these objectives have an impact on customer experience, brand loyalty, and the environment.

Several prominent corporations have recently declared climate commitments, environmental goals, social responsibility programmes, and other CSR activities.

Sustainability in Societies

Environmental education is already being incorporated into school and college curricula. In the same way, all environmental challenges must be socialised and humanised.

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The use of non-traditional energy sources, such as solar energy has been increasingly promoted and supported in recent years. It will be beneficial in the long-run to look for alternatives for known hazardous products based on local resources and demands, and manufacturing environmentally friendly products. 

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