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Traffic movement dramatically drops by 90%

Traffic in all governorates, main roads, markets, commercial malls and residential areas has reduced by 90% in the morning and 85% in the evening, according to Traffic director-general Brigadier Shaikh Abdulrahman bin Abdulwahab Al Khalifa.

The decline is in comparison with the same period last year, he said.

Shaikh Abdulrahman revealed that a comprehensive report on the traffic flow in Bahrain highlights that closing down schools and universities contributed to the reduction of traffic in the morning by 40% and in the evening by 10%.

The reduction of the attendance of the workforce by 50% reduces the traffic on main roads by 25% in the morning and 5% in the evening.

He said that the movement of the pedestrians in smaller roads, markets, shops and residential areas reduced along with vehicle traffic by 15% in the morning and 35% in the evening.

Shaikh Abdulrahman noted that the reduction is an indication of the commitment of the community to the precautionary measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19).

He said that the safety directives were made by the coordination committee led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister.

It also reflects the dedication of Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa to enforce the directives.

The director-general values the gradual implementation of precautionary measures to safeguard the interests of citizens and residents.


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