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Bahrain: Arab Gets Jail Sentenced For Mugging Expat

The first high criminal court has sentenced a man, an Arab by nationality, to one year in jail for mugging an expat in Juffair, earlier this year. The court, however, suspended the execution of the verdict for three years.

Court files say the Public Prosecution charged the Arab national with assault and robbery on January 11 this year for attacking and robbing the victim of more than 2,400 Bahraini dinars.

According to Police records, the incident leading to the case occurred when the victim, a health centre employee, was returning from a bank after cashing a cheque of BD2,419 for the centre he was working.

While on his way back, he was confronted by the suspect who suddenly splashed some liquid on to his face, impairing his vision temporarily.

He then attacked the man by hitting on his head with a container carrying the liquid, before fleeing the scene with the cash.

The victim sustained several injuries from the attack. Police reached the scene shortly and rushed the victim to the hospital.

The victim told investigators that he lost his vision after getting sprayed by the liquid. A witness at the scene of the crime told police officers that he saw a man running away when he came to the rescue of the victim, whom he found was exhausted and struggling to catch up with the attacker.

The witness also told the police that the victim’s eye was all bloodshot and was struggling with his vision. A probe led to identifying the suspect and his arrest.


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