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World’s tallest woman flies on a plane for the first time

The tallest woman in the world has taken to the skies for the first time in her life after Turkish Airlines adapted one of their planes to accommodate her towering 7ft frame.

Rumeysa Gelgi, who stands at 7ft 0.7inches (215.16cm), was officially named the tallest woman alive by Guinness World Records earlier this year.

She typically gets around in a wheelchair or with the aid of a walker, her huge stature the result of a condition called Weaver syndrome which, among other things, causes accelerated growth.

Gelgi, 24, had never travelled on a plane before, having been too tall to fit in regular airline seats even as a child.

But she is now able to travel abroad and flew to San Francisco in September thanks to her national airline, which tore out six seats aboard one of its aircraft and replaced them with a specially-made stretcher to allow Gelgi to fly in comfort.

Posting on Instagram having landed in California, she said: ‘A flawless journey from start to finish… this was my first plane ride but it certainly won’t be my last… heartfelt thank you to each and every person who has been a part of my journey.’


The Mail
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