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‘World’s Loneliest Man’ found dead in Brazil

An Amazon tribesman who lived in total isolation for around 26 years and who was dubbed as the “loneliest man in the world” has died in Brazil.

He was known as the “Man of the Hole” because he spent much of his existence hiding or sheltering in pits he dug in the ground.

Brazil’s Indigenous Affairs Agency (Funai), which monitored the man’s wellbeing from a distance, informed that the man’s body was found on August 23 in a hammock outside his straw hut. There were no signs of violence, the officials said. They also added that because he had placed brightly coloured feathers around his body, it is believed that the man prepared for his death.

It is estimated that the man was about 60 years old.

Officials believe that the “Man of the Hole” was the only inhabitant of Tanaru territory, which is considered to be one of the most violent regions in Brazil. According to the non-profit organization Survival International, the rest of the tribe had been massacred in a series of attacks allegedly perpetrated by land-hungry cattle ranchers since the 1970s, with the last few members being exterminated in 1995.

“The Man of the Hole” was last filmed by a government team in 2018 when he was seen using a sharpened tool resembling an axe to hack at a tree.


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