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World Cup stars face bills upto £300,000 to secure villas for families

International footballers face exorbitant bills of £300,000-plus to secure accommodation for their families at the World Cup.

Rental accommodation is very limited in Qatar, so prices are soaring as owners try to cash in on the tournament.

Around 1.5million people are expected to descend on Qatar – a country which is only about the size of Yorkshire – for the World Cup.

Earlier this year, there were believed to be only 175,000 hotel rooms and apartments available for visitors.

As a result, footballers are being quoted between £250,000-£300,000 for family homes for the duration of the tournament, which starts on November 20.

Families are also exploring the option of basing themselves in Dubai and flying in for matches.

Regular, relatively affordable shuttle flights to the Qatari capital Doha from neighbouring United Arab Emirates states are being laid on by World Cup organisers to try to ease the accommodation crisis.

Temporary luxury campsites in the Qatari desert will be available to families and supporters, while organisers have also struck a deal with a cruise company to lease two liners which will be transformed into hotels.


Daily Mail
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