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Winter Wonderland Kuwait Launches Its Second Season

The Tourism Projects Company in Kuwait opened one of its events for this season, Winter Wonderland Kuwait, on Sunday, October 15, 2023. The opening attracted a large number of people, in addition to amusement park staff. Winter Wonderland Kuwait welcomed the attendees in a special and very enjoyable way by bringing in performers who showcased different acts at the entrance gate, as well as playing exciting songs that added fun to the atmosphere.

The total capacity has increased to 15,000 visitors per day, in addition to an increase of 70 percent in the operating area, from 75,000 square meters to 130,000 square meters. The Kuwait Times spoke to four young visitors who came to Winter Wonderland. They expressed their excitement and joy over the opening day, saying that since last year, they have been waiting for the reopening of Winter Wonderland Kuwait so they can spend time and enjoy a beautiful atmosphere.

KUWAIT: The Tourism Projects Company in Kuwait launches this season, Winter Wonderland Kuwait, on Sunday.

One of them said that this is the first time she has been able to enter Winter Wonderland, as tickets were sold out last year, but this year she booked her ticket earlier. She said that the place was more beautiful than she thought it would be. They then went on to play various available and diverse games. They visited stalls that provide food, drinks, and more. Visitors had the opportunity to relax, enjoy, and recharge their energy to play again. Visitors expressed their joy and happiness.


Kuwait Times

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