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WHO is opposed to mandatory Covid-19 immunization

Giving people good information about Covid-19 vaccines is far better than forcing them to get immunized, World Health Organization (WHO) officials said on Monday.

A small number of groups like health workers may end up being required to get vaccinated, WHO officials acknowledged, according to dpa international.

Katherine O’Brien, who heads the WHO’s immunization department, said that making it easier for people to get their Covid-19 vaccine is better than setting rules.

There is a need for “a time and a place that is convenient for people to go get vaccinated, in facilities that are of high quality and that provide a positive environment,” she said.

Governments in many countries have already ruled out mandatory vaccination campaigns for Covid-19.

However, compulsory vaccination programmes against at least one disease exist in about half of all countries worldwide, according to a study from Canada’s McGill University.

In some countries such as Russia, Hungary and Slovenia, surveys have shown that large parts of the population are wary of getting Covid-19 shots.


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