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WHO: 115,000 healthcare workers died due to Covid-19

Nearly 115,000 health and care workers have died due to Covid since the pandemic began last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday, hailing their sacrifice and asserting the need to protect and invest in the healthcare workforce as a matter of urgency.

“We owe them so much, and yet globally health and care workers often lack the protection, the equipment, the training, the decent pay, the safe working conditions, and the respect they deserve. If we have any hope of achieving a healthier, safer, fairer future, every Member State must protect and invest in its health and care workforce as a matter of urgency,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Lauding healthcare workers’ efforts, particularly through the pandemic, the WHO chief said: “Today I ask you not for a moment’s silence, but to make the loudest noise you can. Please join me in clapping, shouting, and stamping your feet for every health and care worker everywhere.”


Gulf Today

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