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Where can unvaccinated tourists travel?

Elsewhere in the world, destinations continue to open up to vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers. Here are 5 destinations you should consider when planning your summer holidays!

PS: Don’t forget to triple check before travelling – in a rapidly changing situation, travel protocols change from day to day.


You can travel to Barbados if you’re unvaccinated, however, you will be subject to extra testing and quarantine rules.

Unvaccinated travellers will need to quarantine for at least seven days while waiting for the standard PCR test result before they can fully enjoy Barbados.

After seven or more days unvaccinated travellers will be allowed to exit quarantine – as long as the test returns a negative result.


Cyprus is currently operating on a color-coded system for entries – Bahrain is currently on the red list.

Passengers arriving from red list countries are subject to double testing, which means that they must carry out a PCR laboratory test within 72 hours before travelling and undergoes a laboratory test upon their arrival in the Republic of Cyprus. Travellers arriving from any of the green list countries are exempted from self-isolation and testing requirements upon reaching Cyprus.

Vaccination is not a prerequisite for travel, however a vaccination certificate will be accepted as an additional facilitator for travel for persons traveling from ΕU member states, member countries of the European Economic Area (including Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein), Armenia, Bahrain, Belarus, Canada, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and China (including Hong Kong and Macau).


Everyone is allowed to travel to the Seychelles! Exceptions are travellers who have been in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal, Pakistan or South Africa within the last 14 days prior to entry.

All tourists (including children and people who have been vaccinated) must take a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test at least 72 hours before departure to the Seychelles. They must also apply for a travel authorisation via this platform: https://seychelles.govtas.com.


If you are fully vaccinated and travelling by air, you may enter Georgia by presenting a vaccination certificate confirming the full vaccination course at border checkpoints. The only exceptions are passengers coming from India.

If you are not fully vaccinated, you must:

  • Present a negative PCR Test result conducted 72 hours prior to their arrival;
  • On the 3rd day of the stay, undergo a second PCR-test at your own expense; and,
  • Must complete a passenger registration form before travelling


Those travelling to Egypt will need to provide a negative PCR test result that’s been taken within 72 hours from departure. You will also be asked to fill in a health declaration form. The health declaration form will be given to travellers via their chosen airline.

The PCR test results must be taken within 96 hours for passengers travelling from Japan, China, Thailand, North America, South America, Canada, London (Heathrow), Rome, Paris, Frankfurt, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea.


Bahrain Confidential

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