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What happens if you quit smoking?

In technical terms, smoking is the act of burning material and inhaling the resulting smoke, which is then tasted and absorbed into circulation. The most frequent ingredient used is tobacco leaves rolled into a small rectangle of rolling paper to make a small, spherical cylinder known as a cigarette. Because the combustion of dried plant leaves vaporises and distributes active compounds into the lungs, where they are swiftly absorbed into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue, smoking is predominantly used as a method of administration for recreational drug use.

Is it true that smoking is harmful?

Smoking became a bad connotation in the last decade of the twentieth century, particularly in Western countries. Because smoke inhalation inherently provides problems to many physiologic functions such as respiration, smoking does harm one’s health. Various ailments, like lung cancer, heart disease, COPD, and birth abnormalities, are some of the main side effects of tobacco smoking. Tobacco-related conditions have been demonstrated to kill almost half of all long-term smokers.

I plan to give up smoking. What happens once I do?

Giving up an addiction can be pretty challenging. Many people believe that improving one’s health and well-being will take an extended period. However, changes happen faster than one realises.

Breaking the cycle of addiction and effectively reprogramming the brain to cease cravings, particularly for nicotine, is the key to quitting smoking. Because quitting smoking is difficult, smokers must have a healthy substitute to help them get through the initial days or weeks of withdrawal. 

A typical timeline of events after you quit smoking would be as follows:

Within 20 to 40 minutes of the final cigarette, the benefits of quitting smoking begin to manifest. As a result, quitting smoking has immediate benefits. 

Blood pressure and pulse rate usually return to normal within an hour. The blood circulation improves day by day, and the danger of heart attacks decreases. Even the lungs start to repair and recover themselves in the short span of a few months, and as the year goes on, the risk of heart disease reduces to half and continues to fall.

After five years, the arteries and veins enlarge, reducing the risk of stroke. The risk of various smoking-related ailments decreases year after year, finally approaching that of a non-smoker.


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