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What are the benefits of exercising?

The obesity rate in Bahrain stands at an alarmingly all-time high of 38.2% in females and 28.9% in males. This puts the country at risk for various potential cardiovascular diseases, which is currently the main cause of death and thus causing concern.

To rectify this situation, promoting and inculcating healthy habits of maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly should be taken into consideration.

Here are 5 benefits of exercise to encourage you to start leading a healthier lifestyle today:

Overall wellbeing

Exercising has been proven to improve metabolism and body function, keep your heart rate and blood pressure in check, and assist in maintaining your mental peace, hence ensuring wellbeing in totality.

Prevention of diseases

Active body movements helps to increase your blood flow and raise the oxygen levels in your body. Maintaining a healthy weight can shield you from various health threats such as developing type 2 diabetes, various kinds of cancer, cardiac diseases, depression, anxiety, and dementia.  

Mental health benefits

Exercising tends to impact your mood. When done in the morning, it sets the tone for your entire day. Agile body movements help release chemicals like dopamine and endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy. Apart from this, exercising helps reduce stress and control anxiety-driven thoughts.

Boosts confidence

When you feel happy and good about yourself, it reflects in your overall personality. An impressive physique helps boost your confidence and supplementarily makes you more approachable, hence improving your socialising skills.

Improves sleep cycle

The elevation in core body temperature signals the body clock that it’s time to be awake. After about 30 to 90 minutes, the core body temperature starts to decline, which helps facilitate sleepiness.


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