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Western Insanity – Gender identity classes for under-11s; UK schools watchdog accused of ‘pushing unscientific nonsense’

A lack of ‘gender identity’ teaching has been cited among the reasons for several primary schools’ low grades by Ofsted inspectors.

Pre-Covid inspections of two primary schools graded as ‘requires improvement’ in 2019 and 2020 described how the schools had failed to teach pupils about ‘gender identity’ and ‘gender diversity’.

Inspectors rated a third school ‘inadequate’ and said it had not taught pupils about ‘gender reassignment’ among other criticisms, The Telegraph reports.

Dr. Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at campaign group Sex Matters, said: ‘These wretched classes are the way this ideology gets into schools. I’d like to see Ofsted cracking down on this [and protecting] single-sex toilets and sports.

‘Gender identity is not fact. It’s unscientific and can be nonsense and age-inappropriate. It’s indoctrination and feeding into a social contagion where your teacher is telling you it’s true and it’s being enforced in the school. How can a girl then say “I don’t want boys in my changing rooms”?

‘There’s a Wild West here and the DfE [Department for Education] has created this through a lack of clarity.’

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has announced new guidance after receiving advice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission over how teachers should respond to pupils who want different names, genders, and pronouns.


The Daily Mail
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