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US: Whistleblower Claims: ‘I May Have To Live On The Run For the Rest of My Life’ For ‘Exposing Biden Family Corruption’

Authored by Debra Heine via American Greatness

Dr Gal Luft, the Israeli whistleblower who has been on the run since April, detailed his bribery allegations against the Biden family in an extraordinary new video obtained by the New York Post.

As sources previously reported, Luft was arrested on weapon trafficking and other charges in Cyprus last February and disappeared after he was let out on bail. After his arrest, the former Israeli army officer tweeted that the Biden administration was out to “bury” him.

The Biden Department of Justice had Luft, the founder and executive director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS),  arrested on suspicion of arms trafficking to China and Libya, lying to the FBI and violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), according to his arrest warrant. He’s facing up to 96 years in prison if convicted of the charges.

From an undisclosed location, the fugitive claimed in the 14-minute video that he was arrested to stop him from testifying to the Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee about the Biden family’s shady business exploits in China.

“Let it sink in. I, who volunteered to inform the U.S. government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life,” the whistleblower lamented.

Luft said he was forced to skip bail in Cyprus while awaiting extradition “because I did not have faith I would receive a fair trial in a New York court.”

The whistleblower reportedly worked with CEFC-USA—the nonprofit arm of the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China—between 2015 and 2018, the same period CEFC-China began its influence operations with the Biden family.

Despite Luft’s fugitive status, House Oversight chairman, Republican James Comer said the Israeli remains a “potential witness” in the Biden family probe, the Post reported.

The whistleblower explained that his legal woes started after he made the “fatal decision” to present incriminating evidence about the Bidens to six officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice in a secret two-day meeting at the U.S. Embassy in Brussels in March 2019. The DOJ delegation, he said, was made up of two prosecutors from the Southern District of New York and four FBI agents.

Luft said he believed the reason why the Justice Dept. dispatched so many officials was because they knew he was a “credible witness” and had “insider knowledge” about the Biden family’s financial transactions with the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC, “including specific dollar figures.” He said he also told the feds about Biden family associate Rob Walker, whom he referred to as “Hunter Biden’s bagman.”

Luft says he told the DOJ and the FBI in Brussels that Joe Biden, soon after his vice presidential term ended, had attended a meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC, with his son Hunter and officials from CEFC.

Luft’s account of the former VP’s presence at that meeting was corroborated 21  months later when the FBI interviewed another attendee, Biden family associate Rob Walker, according to recent testimony before Congress.

Luft disclosed during the Brussels interview that CEFC was paying $100,000 a month to Hunter and $65,000 to his uncle Jim Biden, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world — and that the money was being funneled through Walker.

The Oversight Committee has written to Walker demanding he submit to questioning about his role in distributing more than $1 million from China to at least three of President Biden’s relatives.

The most “alarming” information he shared in Brussels, according to Luft, pertained to the one-eyed mole in the DOJ who shared classified information with Hunter Biden and his Chinese partners.

“I told the DOJ that Hunter was associated with a very senior retired FBI official who had a distinct physical characteristic—he had one eye,” Luft said.

That FBI official is widely believed to be former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who gave $100,000 to a trust for two of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016 shortly before telling Hunter, “I would be delighted to do future work with you.”

Click here to read more.


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