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WorldPeople & Culture

US Navy releases bizarre training video urging recruits to create pronoun “safe space”

The US Navy has released a training video which looks like a children’s TV show encouraging sailors to announce their pronouns in order to create a “safe space” and avoid “misgendering” people.

“Hi! My name is Jony, and I use he/him pronouns,” states one of the presenters in the training video, which is intended to highlight “the importance of using correct pronouns as well as polite etiquette when you may not be sure of someone’s pronouns,” according to the Navy.

“The nearly four-minute Navy video emphasizes how members can create “a safe space” for their colleagues by using “inclusive language” that signals they are “allies” who “accept everybody,” 

Service members must take these steps to ensure they do not “misgender someone.” The Navy also warns staff against pressuring an individual to disclose his or her gender pronouns, saying that colleagues may still be in “the process of discovery” and not yet ready to provide this information.”

I’m sure Russian spetsnaz troops and Chinese PLA soldiers are quaking in their boots.

“At the same time that they’re training soldiers and sailors to use “proper” pronouns to “signal of acceptance and respect” of LGBTBBQ people, they’re simultaneously training their mostly-white recruits and servicemembers that white people are inherently evil,” writes Chris Menahan.

“Gender” is a “spectrum” but “whiteness” is pure evil.”



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