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US to lift entry restrictions on vaccinated foreigners in November

The United States will lift travel restrictions on people from abroad who can prove they are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus starting in early November, the White House said on Monday.

The United States currently bars entry for most non-citizens from 33 countries, including European Union members, Britain, India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Iran, reports dpa.

Former president Donald Trump had ordered an entry ban on foreigners for several nations in March 2020, as the pandemic began locking down countries across the globe.

The restrictions were then kept in place by President Joe Biden, citing the spread of the more contagious Delta variant.

The restrictions state that only US citizens and permanent residents, along with their family members, can enter the US if they have been in the 33 countries in the past 14 days.  All others need special permission.

In announcing the lifting of the travel ban, White House Covid-19 coordinator Jeffrey Zients also said US-bound travellers will also face new testing protocols.

In addition to demonstrating proof of being fully vaccinated, foreign nationals must also show a negative test result within three days of the flight. There will be no quarantine requirements upon arrival.


Gulf News

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