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US Deploying Fighter Jets, Navy Destroyer to Gulf After Iran Attempts To Seize Oil Tankers

The United States is sending fighter jets as well as a Navy destroyer to the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman in order to bolster security and deter threats to commercial ships, the Defense Department announced on July 17.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said in a press briefing that the F-35 fighters and F-16 fighters and the destroyer USS Thomas Hudner, which was previously in the Red Sea, will be deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.

This, she said, will help “defend U.S. interests and safeguard freedom of navigation in the region.”

The increased presence is in response to a “number of recent, alarming events in the Strait of Hormuz,” Ms Singh said, pointing to two separate incidents earlier this month during which the Iranian navy attempted to illegally seize two oil tankers in waters between Iran and Oman.

One of those ships—the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker TRF Moss—was initially approached by an Iranian naval vessel on July 5 and harassed, according to a statement from U.S. Naval Forces.

However, the Iranian ship left after a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer, the USS McFaul, arrived on the scene, the Navy said.

Approximately three hours later, the oil tanker Richmond Voyager—which was flying under the flag of the Bahamas—was also approached by an Iranian naval vessel while it was more than 20 miles off the coast of Muscat in Oman and transiting international waters toward the Arabian Sea, officials said.

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