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US, Bahrain delegations to fly to Israel in first direct flight between Manama and Tel Aviv

US President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy, Avi Berkowitz, will lead a US delegation to Bahrain and Israel this week to discuss expanded economic cooperation between the two countries, a senior White House official said on Monday.

Berkowitz will join Bahraini officials on the first-ever direct flight from Bahrain to Israel.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani will be travelling to formalise diplomatic ties with Israel.

It will be the first-ever official visit by a high-level Bahrain delegation to Israel. Dr Al Zayani will hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and visiting US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Bahrain and Israel agreed to establish formal ties after the US brokered a deal on September 15. The UAE and Sudan have also formalised diplomatic relations with Israel.


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