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UK: Muslim Teacher Faces Teaching Ban after Claiming Islam Will ‘Take Over’ and Calling Western Girls ‘Lunatics’

A Muslim teacher has been issued a lifetime ban from teaching after making controversial remarks about Islam and Westernised girls at Harborne Academy in Birmingham. Aqib Khan, 30, was found guilty of “undermining fundamental British values” by a professional conduct panel of the Teaching Regulation Agency. Throughout his tenure from December 2020 to March 2023, Khan made a series of inappropriate comments and engaged in unprofessional behaviour.

Khan’s misconduct involved discussing ways to “get girls” and displaying a topless photo of himself flexing his muscles to a student on a Microsoft Teams group chat. He also openly criticised feminism during his classes. The panel ruled that his conduct “clearly crossed professional boundaries” and was directly related to the material being taught in his classes. As a result, he has been permanently removed from the teaching register and will have to wait a minimum of 2 years before applying to have his suspension lifted.

Additional concerns were raised about Khan’s behaviour, including discussing his personal life with students and making inappropriate comments about dating and relationships. He reportedly shared his refusal to date a female doctor earning more than $75,300 (£70,000) because he couldn’t handle a woman who made more money than him. Furthermore, he asserted that women over the age of 30 who have babies are more likely to have disabilities, compared to women who have children with their cousins.

Khan’s conduct was initially reported by a staff member who raised concerns about his interactions with students on the school’s safeguarding portal. The accusations against him included expressing inappropriate religious views and making harmful comments. The Teaching Regulation Agency’s decision to ban Khan for life aims to ensure the preservation of professional standards within the education system.

The school uncovered substantial evidence of this fact in the form of Microsoft Teams messages exchanged between Mr. Khan and multiple students.

According to the panel, Mr. Khan was found guilty of undermining fundamental British values such as individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

Marc Cavey, chair of the panel, remarked, “Mr. Khan’s conduct fell significantly short of professional standards.”

The findings of misconduct were grave, including a breach of professional boundaries with students.

As a result, Mr. Aqib Khan has been indefinitely barred from teaching and is prohibited from working in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation, or children’s home in England.

During the investigation, it was revealed that Khan made comments such as, “Girls can pursue careers in medicine, but it’s important to get married during those years. Afterward, fewer men will find you appealing, and then you’ll be left alone.”

Furthermore, he expressed, “Women desire a dominant man who can support and protect them, as they lack the ability to care for themselves.”

In another exchange, Khan stated, “Practically speaking, since she’s a girl, she’s fortunate. If she marries a good man, she can choose to work or not—it’s entirely her decision. Her husband will support her, regardless. This eases the pressure of selecting a career.”

He emphasised the importance for girls to “find a suitable husband (typically in their early 20s), which will grant them the freedom to work or not. This way, they can avoid the stress of choosing a career and progress at their own pace.”

The panel also heard Khan make a statement implying that “in Saudi Arabia, women are far less likely to experience rape compared to America.”

He further suggested that “love marriages have a higher probability of ending in divorce compared to arranged marriages.”

Addressing the growing Muslim population, Khan allegedly informed his students that “natural selection is increasing our community’s numbers. By 2050, the demographic of the entire UK, France, and Germany will resemble that of Birmingham.”

“In the past decade, the Muslim population has risen by 44 percent. Conversely, other communities are either stagnant or growing at a sluggish rate. Traditional values supersede liberalism,” he added.

An additional post presented to the panel depicted Khan sharing a news article entitled ‘alcohol ban helps female fans enjoy hassle-free football in Qatar.’ Underneath, he captioned it, ‘White women enjoying life under shariah lol.’

Furthermore, Khan informed his students that if they supported feminism or progressive ideologies, they would be “replaced by Muslims.”

‘If you support feminism, advocate for the right to abortion, support same-sex marriage, and prioritise a career over having children, then you are entitled to your beliefs,’ he asserted.

‘However, it is important to acknowledge that the Muslim community is growing at a rapid pace, and they may surpass you even faster,’ he warned.

‘Feminism was established to encourage women to pursue careers instead of becoming wives and mothers, thereby allowing the government to impose taxes and generate revenue…Modern society aims to mold girls into conforming to the government and financial institutions. So, let’s remember our own values and let others believe in their convictions while we continue to outpace them.’

‘Feminism advocates for gender equality and often downplays the role of motherhood and being a wife. In contrast, Islam values women as three times as valuable as men, provided they fulfil their roles as nurturing mothers and devoted wives. They also have the choice to work if they desire.’

He further expressed, ‘Under no circumstances should you ever attack a woman, be it verbally or emotionally. Treat them with the utmost respect, as long as they exhibit good behaviour. However, if they embrace Westernised extreme ideologies, it’s best to simply disregard them.’


Daily Mail

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