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UK Muslim leaders: Vaccines allowed while fasting

Leaders and scholars from Britain’s Muslim community have told their congregations that there is no conflict between fasting during Ramadan and receiving coronavirus vaccinations.

While religious teachings compel Muslims to refuse “anything entering the body” while fasting, scholars from the UK have said that this rule does not apply to coronavirus vaccines.

Imam Mustafa Hussein, from Birmingham’s Green Lane Masjid mosque, told Arab News: “The vaccine doesn’t have nutritional value, and when we look at injections, we look at what they will provide the body. If the vaccine doesn’t provide the body with any nourishment or nutritional value, then you’re allowed to take it, even if you are fasting.

“It does not break your fast at all. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with taking the vaccine during Ramadan.”

Qari Asim, an imam in Leeds and chair of the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board, echoed Hussein’s ruling, and said it was an opinion shared by the majority of British imams.


Arab News

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