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WorldGCC CountriesTravel

UK: Gulf Visitors To Get First Access to New ETA Digital Travel

Travel to the UK for visitors from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait is set to be made easier by the launch of an Electronic Travel Authorisation system next February.

On Thursday, the British government announced the new system would replace the UAE’s current access to an Electronic Visa Waiver for single visits. However, the upfront costs will be higher.

The GCC and Jordan will be the first countries to benefit from the scheme, which will be rolled out for global partners throughout next year.

Officials said the application process will be designed to be fast and entirely digital with most visitors expected to apply on a mobile app and receive a swift decision on the application.

The cost will be in line with long-standing international schemes, such as those operated by the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Under it, individuals can make multiple visits to the UK over a two-year period. The ETA will require all non-visa arrivals, except British and Irish passport holders, to apply for approval to travel in advance of departure.

Pre-travel security checks are to be conducted on applicants and part of the process involves individuals providing biometric details as well as answering a set of suitability questions.


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