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UAE’s Sultan Al Neyadi Arrives at ISS To Begin 6-Month Space Mission

UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi arrived at the International Space Station (ISS), where he will now spend six months on the longest Arab space mission.

After the docking of the Dragon spacecraft, Al Neyadi and other team members entered the ISS at 09:43 am, on March 3.

Al Neyadi, 41, took off to space as part of NASA’s Space-X Crew-6 mission, at 9.35 am on Thursday, March 2.

The Crew-6 joins the Expedition 68 crew of NASA astronauts Frank Rubio, Nicole Mann, and Josh Cassada, as well as Koichi Wakata of JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), and Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev, Dmitri Petelin, and Anna Kikina, NASA said in a blog post.

This is Al Neyadi’s first trip to space, representing the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre. During the mission, the Emirati astronaut will conduct many in-depth and advanced scientific experiments.


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