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UAE’s phase III COVID-19 inactivated vaccine administered to 15,000 volunteers

The Phase III trials of an inactivated vaccine for COVID-19 in UAE have reached the target of 15,000 volunteers in less than a month, with individuals from 102 nationalities participating in the programme.

Managed by G42 Healthcare in partnership with the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, and Abu Dhabi Health Services Company, SEHA, the trials were a world first when they commenced in Abu Dhabi on July 16.

Volunteers across the UAE were invited to be part of the initiative dubbed 4Humanity, and 15,000 of them – including 4,500 Emiratis – have already received the first of two vaccine shots in the process.

Over 140 doctors, 300 nurses, and many more administrative and technical support staff helped to facilitate the vaccine trial.

Volunteers are now going through the next stage, receiving their second shot of the vaccine – developed by leading vaccine manufacturer Sinopharm CNBG – and undergoing regular monitoring and health checks.


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