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UAE: Woman Jailed and Fined DH60,000 for Verbal Assault, Invasion of Privacy at Book Fair

The Abu Dhabi Criminal Court has convicted a woman for her actions at a book fair. According to the Court, the woman streamed a video live on social media, in which she verbally assaulted a participant at the fair, questioning his presence at the event due to previous convictions outside the country.

According to WAM, the court has sentenced the offender to six months imprisonment and a fine of Dh50,000 for invading the victim’s privacy. As part of the conviction, all photos and recordings related to the incident will be deleted, the device used will be confiscated, and her Twitter account will be permanently closed. Additionally, she has been fined Dh10,000 for the offence of insult.

The court granted a stay of execution of the prison sentence for three years from the date on which the judgement becomes final and her expulsion from the country once the sentence has been served. According to the country’s Cybercrime Law, people should refrain from posting photographs, videos or comments on social media platforms which invade someone’s privacy and personal life.

Residents should avoid posting against the culture and heritage of the UAE, rumours and false news. And also advised not to disclose confidential matters related to government or criminal investigations, or advertisements which violate prevailing laws and public morals.


Khaleej Times
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