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UAE: Warning on travel fraud from Indian Embassy

The Indian Embassy in the UAE has warned expats about a fraudulent social media handle and email ID being used to cheat expats. The mission said some individuals are using the @embassy_help (Twitter) and ind_embassy.mea.gov@protonmail.com to defraud “innocent Indian nationals”.

The criminals commit the fraud by “sending messages and collecting money” to arrange expats’ travel from the UAE to India.

“All Indian nationals are hereby informed that Embassy of India, Abu Dhabi, has no affiliation whatsoever with the twitter handle @embassy_help and email ID ind_embassy.mea.gov@protonmail.com,” the mission said in a statement.

The embassy said that all official email IDs, Twitter handle, Facebook ID and telephone numbers are mentioned on its official website.

“It is advised to cross-check particulars of e-mail IDs and social media accounts of the embassy from our website to avoid falling into the trap of unscrupulous elements. Kindly note that email IDs of all Indian Missions/Posts always end with domain @mea.gov.in,” the mission added.

The embassy added that @IndembAbuDhabi is its only official Twitter handle. “Beware of any communication received from entities impersonating the embassy or its officials.”


Khaleej Times
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