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UAE vaccination rate highest peak in global rankings

The UAE has moved to the top of the global rankings for vaccination rates, overtaking Israel. As of Thursday, the country had administered more than 120 doses of Covid-19 vaccine per 100 people.

The latest ranking was reported by several sources, including The New York Times and the Financial Times, using data compiled from local governments by Our World in Data and World Bank population measurements. Bahrain, Aruba and Chile round out the top five.

The Emirates has administered more than 11.9 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine since launching a nationwide inoculation drive in December.

On Friday, the UAE announced a further 122,001 doses of vaccine had been administered during the latest 24-hour reporting period.

The vaccination campaign was expanded this week, with the Pfizer-BioNtech shot made available to everyone aged 12 and over in Abu Dhabi.


The National News
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