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UAE: Up to DH500,000 Fine for Damaging Currency Notes

The UAE Public Prosecution has called on the public to abide by laws and not to underestimate the national currency in any way whatsoever.

Through a video clip published on its social media platforms, the Public Prosecution affirmed that whoever, publicly and intentionally mutilates, destroys or tears up currency, shall be punished by a fine, which shall be the greater of one thousand Dirham (Dh1,000) and ten (10) times the value of the mutilated, destroyed or torn Currency, according to Article (141) of Federal Law No. (14) of 2018 Regarding the Central Bank & Organization of Financial Institutions and Activities.

It urged all social media users to have a sense of responsibility before publishing materials and videos on their accounts.

“The UAE laws and legislations have criminalised all practices and acts that violate public morals or underestimate the emblem of the state along with its national currency. According to Article 176 (bis) of the Penal Code Federal, anyone who insults, mocks, harms the reputation, prestige or statute of the state, its flag, its emblem, its symbols or any of its institutions shall be punished with a minimum period of 10 years and a maximum of 25 years and a fine of no less than Dh500,000,” the Public Prosecution clarified.


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