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UAE: Up to Dh250,000 fine for violating back-to-school regulations

Abu Dhabi private schools that fail to submit daily compliance self-check reports to education regulators could be fined Dh10,000 to Dh250,000, authorities have warned.

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (Adek) on Saturday said it has conducted over 200 compliance inspection visits to private and charter schools across the emirate to ensure their readiness to safely welcome pupils back to in-class education for the academic year 2021-22.

Over an intensive two weeks, Adek conducted inspection visits to 221 Abu Dhabi schools that successfully received a ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) to reopen.

Schools that failed to meet compliance protocols were given three calendar days to rectify areas of non-compliance and offered three opportunities to establish readiness.

Any school failing the third compliance inspection would be denied the option to reopen for face-to-face learning and required to return school fees to parents who could have opted to transfer their children to an alternative school, Adek said in a statement.

Once operational schools are required to submit daily compliance self-check reports to Adek and will be regularly inspected by the department’s compliance inspectors.


Khaleej Times
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