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UAE: Up to 10 days pay cut for govt employees violating safety rules

In an updated circular to government entities, the Emirate’s human resources department specified eight Covid safety violations in office and their penalties.

  • Not wearing a mask
  • Shaking colleagues’ hands
  • Gathering in an area in such a way that the specified social distancing is not adhered to.

In case an employee commits the violations listed above, h/she will be issued a written warning. A repeat violation would mean the deduction of a day’s salary (basic). Another repetition would cost the employee three days of basic pay.

  • Reporting to office despite being Covid positive or having symptoms: This will result in the deduction of three days of basic pay. A repeat violation would cost the employee five days of basic pay; and a third offence would mean loss of 10 days of basic salary.
  • Failure to ensure Covid safety: A supervisor or manager who does not ensure those reporting to him/her follow Covid safety protocols will result in a written warning. A repeat offence would cost one day of basic pay; and a third offence, three days of basic salary deduction.
  • Failure to notify employer about being a close contact: An employee who fails to do so will have a day’s basic pay deducted. A repeat offence will cost him/her three days of pay; and a third-time offence, five-day pay cut.
  • Not maintaining Green Pass on AlHosn: Same penalty as above. A Green Pass is activated for 15 days for vaccinated employees who have taken the booster shot after they get a negative PCR test result.
  • Failure to adhere to Covid measures outlined in official circulars: Same as above.

The circular also specified that the quarantine period for close contacts is seven days.


Khaleej Times

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