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UAE to manufacture Covid-19 vaccine Hayat-Vax from Sinopharm vaccine

A new factory in Abu Dhabi will start manufacturing a Covid-19 vaccine from Chinese pharmaceutical giant, Sinopharm, under a joint venture between Sinopharm and Abu Dhabi-based technology company Group 42 (G42).

The vaccine will be called Hayat-Vax when manufactured in the UAE, but is the same inactivated vaccine from the Beijing Institute of Biological Product (BiBP), a unit of Sinopharm’s China National Biotec Group (CNBG).

Production of Hayat-Vax has already begun in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah under a deal between G42 and Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries PSC. That production line has an initial capacity of 2 million doses per month.


Al Arabiya

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