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Money & BusinessGCC Countries

UAE to Activate Remote Work from March 29

The UAE’s Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) will activate the remote work system for all ministries, authorities, and federal institutions, effective Sunday, March 29, for a renewable period of two weeks.

A maximum of 30 percent of the workforce of each entity concerned is allowed to be physically present in the office while others whose jobs don’t necessitate their physical presence will be working remotely.

FAHR’s announcement exempts a number of vital sectors, including energy, telecommunications, health, education, security, police, military, postal services, cargo, pharmaceuticals, water, food, civil aviation, airports, identity & citizenship, finance & banking, government media, and services, which include filling service stations, and construction projects in addition to any other sectors to be exempted by the government of the UAE for the public interest.

These sectors are also required to ensure that technology provides a work environment that is safe and compliant for operational efficiency by setting all needed regulations that ensure privacy and confidentially of data.

The employees working remotely are obligated to come physically to the office whenever asked by their employers and to perform their work as per the set timeframes.

While working remotely, they have to be available all the time to respond to all business calls and emails in addition to ensuring the confidentiality of data and utilising work time in performing the tasks assigned to them in the best possible manner.

They are also required to provide all evidence requested by their employers to confirm their accomplishments, and productivity in addition to keeping their remote work appliances safe and secure.


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