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UAE: Three sentenced to life in prison for attempted rape

Three men have been sentenced to life in prison on the charges of deprivation of liberty, attempted rape and criminal involvement.

The first defendant was charged for the abuse of psychotropic substances, and sentenced to a three-year prison term of three years with a Dh50,000 fine. For the charge of damaging police vehicle, a prison term of one year, and another six-month prison term was set for driving under the influence, along with a Dh30,000 fine. The defendant’s driving license was also suspended and banned from obtaining a new license. Finally, for obscuring the license plate while driving, the defendant was sentenced to six months and another Dh30,000 fine.

The second defendant was sentenced to three years and a fine of Dh50,000, for abusing psychotropic substances. The third defendant, was charged for abusing psychotropic substances, and sentenced to two years with a Dh50,000 fine.


Gulf News
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