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UAE third best country in the world to live in amid Covid pandemic

The UAE ranked third globally and first regionally in the Bloomberg Covid Resilience Ranking for October.

According to the report, the UAE climbed up three spots as new infections in October “fell to the lowest level in over a year”. It is ranked behind Ireland and Spain in the report that lists the “best and worst places to be as Covid reopening gathers pace”. The ranking is a monthly report of “where the virus is being handled the most effectively with the least social and economic upheaval”. It is compiled using 12 data indicators.

Daily cases in the UAE have remained below 100 since October 21. In the last 24 hours, infections dipped below 75 – the lowest in months. Close to 98 per cent of residents in the country have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, while almost 88 per cent are fully vaccinated.

The healthcare sector continues to conduct mass testing for Covid-19 and provide free vaccination for all eligible members. This has helped contain the spread of the virus and reduce infections and deaths.


Khaleej Times

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