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UAE: Temperatures to touch 50°C with chance of dust storms and rain

The UAE is set for a baking-hot week as summer temperatures surge, but there is the prospect of further rain in store.

Sweihan in Al Ain — which typically faces some of the hottest weather in the country each year — is braced for another sweltering day on Tuesday, with temperatures forecast to peak at 49°C.

On June 6 last year, it was officially the hottest place on Earth, reaching a sizzling 51.8°C.

The National Centre of Meteorology said some others areas of Abu Dhabi, including Razeen and Gasyoura, could also hit 49°C on Tuesday. Temperatures also approached the 50°C mark on Sunday, peaking at 49.1°C in Al Dhafra at 4.15pm, the NCM said.

The centre said temperatures will continue “hot and fair to partly cloudy at times” for the remainder of week. It said convective clouds, often associated with rain, could form over eastern areas of the Emirates on Thursday and Friday.


National News

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