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UAE suspends entry for travelers from Republic of Congo

All inbound flights and transit passengers from the Republic of Congo will be banned from entering the UAE from Friday at 8.00 a.m. The ban will also affect travellers who had been in the country 14 days before coming to the UAE.

Flights to the Republic of Congo will continue to operate to transport passengers from the UAE to the country.

UAE nationals, their first-degree relatives, domestic workers under their sponsorship, diplomatic missions, official delegations, golden residence holders, people seeking emergency treatment, and scholarship recipients are excluded from this decision. The excluded categories should present a negative COVID-19 test obtained within 48 hours of departure and a rapid-PCR test at the airport within six hours of departure whenever possible and another PCR test at the airport on arrival to UAE.

A 10-day quarantine period and a PCR test on the ninth day of entering the country is required for UAE nationals, diplomatic missions and golden residence holders.

It is required for those coming from Congo through other countries to stay in those countries for at least 14 days before being allowed to enter the UAE.


Arab News

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