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UAE study finds COVID-19 remains active in body up to 1 month after death

After examining two deaths, Dubai Police forensic doctors found that the COVID-19 virus remains active in a dead body for up to one month.

The first body was found to have been floating in the sea for over 30 days and the second had been in the mortuary for 17 days before the necessary measures were taken. Both bodies tested positive for COVID-19, a Dubai Police officer revealed.

Based on existing research, most viruses die with a human death, so this finding offers a different view, the Forensic Medicine Department Director was quoted as saying.

All forensic procedures are properly recorded and results documented as part of the efforts to help the global community, he added.

Amid the pandemic, forensic procedures of the Dubai Police required the team to test dead bodies for COVID-19 in addition to other examinations. All precautionary measures are taken for the team’s safety.


Khaleej Times

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