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UAE starts imposing penalties on expats holding expired visas

UAE has begun to enforce penalties on expired visa holders, after a three-month grace period given amid the coronavirus pandemic, Al Arabiya has reported.

“25 dirhams ($6.8) per day during the first six months, 50 ($13.6) dirhams per day during the second six months, and 100 dirhams ($27.2) per day after passing a year and more,” the UAE’s immigration fines system read.

Holders of expired national ID cards could also face hefty fines, starting at 20 dirhams ($5.4) per day, but is capped at 1,000 ($272.24).

The country’s identity and citizenship authority earlier announced it was extending the grace period for “violators of entry and residency law,” from Aug. 18 to Nov. 17.


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