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UAE reports 1,254 cases, 823 recoveries, 4 deaths

The UAE has confirmed 1,254 new cases of COVID-19, taking the overall tally in the country to 192,404.

According to the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), the latest coronavirus patients, all of whom are in a stable condition and receiving the necessary care, were identified after conducting more than 136,132 additional COVID-19 tests among UAE citizens and residents over the past few days.

Meanwhile, the number of recoveries has gone up to 168,129 after another 823 people received the all-clear.

Four more deaths were also reported in the past 24 hours, pushing the country’s COVID-19 death toll to 634.

The ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and wished a speedy recovery to all patients, calling on the public to cooperate with health authorities and comply with all precautionary measures, particularly social distancing protocols, to ensure the safety and protection of the public.


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