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UAE: Remote Work for Sharjah Government Employees, Distance Learning for All Schools Amid Unstable Weather

The Local Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Team in Sharjah has announced the implementation of remote work for employees of all government entities in the emirate on Thursday and Friday, May 2 to 3, due to the prevailing weather conditions.

Also, all schools and higher education institutions will switch to distance learning on Thursday and Friday due to the unstable weather, prioritising the safety of students and teaching staff.

The authorities also cancelled all sports activities and competitions organised by the Sharjah Sports Council and ordered the closure of all parks.

Government employees working in positions requiring their physical presence are excluded from remote working.

The Sharjah Private Education Authority has also decided to implement the distance learning system for all private schools and educational institutions in the emirate on Thursday, May 2 for the safety of students and teaching staff.

The team also decided the suspension of all sports activities and competitions organised by the Sharjah Sports Council and the closure of all public parks on Thursday and Friday.


Gulf News

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