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UAE ranked world’s 2nd safest country in 2021

The UAE has been ranked the second safest country among the world’s 134 countries in 2021 in a new report.

The UAE’s top ranking can be attributed to its robust health sector and Covid-19 vaccination campaign. The UAE is now the world’s most vaccinated nation, with 64.3 per cent of residents fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The index takes into account three fundamental factors – war and peace, personal security, and natural disaster risk. It also includes the unique risk factors stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Globally, Iceland was rated the safest country, followed respectively by the UAE, Qatar, Singapore, Finland, Mongolia, Norway, Denmark, Canada and New Zealand.

The Global Finance magazine’s index of the world’s safest countries ranked other Gulf countries highly as well. Qatar was ranked 3rd, Bahrain at 12th, Kuwait at 18th, Saudi Arabia at 19th and Oman ranked 25th.


Khaleej Times
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