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UAE: Rainfall expected in Abu Dhabi for 4 days from August 14

UAE capital city Abu Dhabi is expected to experience fluctuating weather from Sunday, August 14 to Thursday, August 18, as cumulus clouds form with mild to heavy rains and a significant temperature drop.

The Abu Dhabi Media Office has advised the public to drive with caution and adhere to safety guidelines and speed limits. “When it rains, remain vigilant and stay away from rain streams, valleys and rainwater pools,” said the statement.

The statement added, “During sea turbulence and high tides, avoid going to the beach and keep following weather forecasts via official channels only.”

On Friday, the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) said it organised an emergency meeting with various departments to discuss its readiness to deal with the upcoming weather situation.

“The meeting comes as part of a series of follow-up and coordination meetings between the concerned authorities to confirm the state’s readiness and readiness to face the weather situation and limit its repercussions,” said the statement.

During the meeting, the NCM reported the latest developments in the weather situation and its impact on the country. The centre said there would be an extension of air depression accompanied by rains of different intensities in the Eastern and Southern regions by the end of this week.

The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure reviewed the measures adopted to mitigate the repercussions of the weather situation in the areas that may be affected, as indicated by the National Center of Meteorology report.


Khaleej times
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