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UAE: Qiyam-Al-Layl prayers to resume at mosques

UAE authorities have announced that mosques can host the special late night Ramadan Qiyam-Al-Layl prayers.

Strict Covid-19 safety protocols will be in place for the prayers, the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) said.

The prayers will be offered from 12 midnight to 12.30am. The elderly and those with chronic diseases have been asked to refrain from going to the mosques and instead offer the prayer at home.

The mosques will be closed as soon as the prayers are offered. I’tikaf will not be allowed.

The prayer, which is offered after 12 midnight, is offered in congregation at mosques during the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan.

Literally, it means ‘stand during the night’. Usually, it can last anywhere between one to three hours.

Mosques in the country are already hosting the special night prayers called Taraweeh with strict Covid safety measures.


Khaleej Times

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