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UAE, Qatar official delegations meet in Kuwait

Official delegations representing the United Arab Emirates and Qatar met in Kuwait today, Monday, February 22, 2021, in the first meeting between the two sides to follow up on the AlUla Declaration.

The two sides discussed joint mechanisms and procedures to implement the AlUla Declaration and underscored the importance of preserving Gulf unity, developing joint action in the interest of Gulf Cooperation Council countries and their citizens, and achieving stability and prosperity in the region. Furthermore, the two sides praised the efforts of the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in hosting the last GCC Summit that resulted in the Al-Ula Declaration.

Finally, the two sides expressed their appreciation to Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait, for the sincere efforts made by his country to heal the rift and support the Gulf Cooperation Council, in addition to hosting the first meeting between both countries.

During a landmark summit held in January at Maraya Concert Hall in the historic Saudi city of AlUla, chaired by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, on behalf of King Salman, the leaders signed the final communiqué, termed as “AlUla Declaration”.

The communique states that the GCC leaders will continue the march of unity and cooperation in order to achieve common interests to serve their peoples and consolidate security and stability in the region.


Khaleej Times

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