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UAETech & Telecoms

UAE: Public warned against accessing websites to obtain government data

The UAE Public Prosecution has warned against accessing information without authorisation whether it is intended to obtain government data or confidential information relating to a financial, commercial and economical facilities.

In a video clip posted Friday on its social media platforms, the Public Prosecution clarified the punishment for committing such actions, which are considered a cybercrime under the UAE Law.

According to Article 4 of the Federal Decree – Law No. 5 of 2012 on combating cybercrimes, anyone found violating the law shall be punished with temporary imprisonment and a fine not less than Dh250,000 and not in excess of Dh150,0000.

The punishment includes imprisonment for a period of at least 5 years and a fine not less than D500,000 and not in excess of Dh2,000,000, if any data or information is deleted, omitted, deteriorated, destructed, disclosed, altered, copied, published or re-published.


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