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UAE, Philippines lift ban on recruitment of domestic workers

The Philippines will resume the deployment of domestic workers to the UAE starting March 31, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.

The decision was taken after delegations from the UAE and the Philippines have come to an agreement during a two-day committee meeting held in Manila.

Once the ban is lifted by April, the measure will be covered by a ‘unified employment contract’ (UEC) that provides stringent measures to protect Filipino domestic workers.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has specified instructions to ensure the safety of domestic workers. Provisions include:

1. A domestic worker must be able to get at least eight continuous hours of sleep every night.

2. He/she must take a paid break, outside the residence of the employer, at least one full day every week.

3. He/she must be able to keep his/her passport or identification documents and the employer is not allowed to hold them.

4. He/she must be allowed to have and use mobile phones and other communication devices and the employer is prohibited from confiscating them.

5. He/she must have a bank account under his/her name for the payment of salary.

6. He/she must be allowed to cook their own food.


Khaleej Times

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