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UAE: Petrol prices for April announced

Motorists will have to pay more to fill the tanks of their vehicles next month as the UAE on Sunday announced an eight per cent average increase in fuel oil prices in line with the international market.

According to an announcement by the UAE Fuel Price Follow-up Committee, Super 98 petrol will increase to Dh2.29 from Dh2.12 per litre in March, reflecting an increase of 8.01 per cent.

Special 95 petrol cost will increase to Dh2.17 from Dh2.01 per litre last month, indicating an increase of 7.96 per cent.

E-Plus fuel price also surged as the motorists will have to pay Dh2.10 in April compared to Dh1.72 a litre. Diesel will cost Dh2.22 instead of Dh2.15 a litre, reflecting an increase of 3.25 per cent.

This is the second consecutive hike in fuel prices. Earlier, the government kept prices unchanged for 11 consecutive months until February despite rising oil prices, which traded above $70 a barrel due to an increase in economic activity across the globe.


Khaleej Times
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