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UAE: Permit Not Required to Fly Out of Abu Dhabi

Passengers taking flights from Abu Dhabi or Dubai airports are permitted to travel to their designated airports from either places despite current movement restrictions, Abu Dhabi Police said on Wednesday.

Such travellers who wish to depart from the country only need to carry their air tickets and passports along with them, which they can show at the checkpoints of Abu Dhabi and head towards the airports in Abu Dhabi or other emirates.

From June 2, Abu Dhabi imposed a week’s travel ban between cities of the emirate but excepted those in need to visit hospitals or departing the country.

UAE has implemented a week ban on travel between Abu Dhabi emirate’s cities but those departing the country are permitted to go to the airport without obtaining prior permit from the police. They only have to carry their confirmed air tickets and passports.”

Those who are heading towards Abu Dhabi International Airport don’t need to apply for the prior permits of movement from Abu Dhabi Police, he said. While others need to obtain prior permit from Abu Dhabi Police.

Twelve security points were activated in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi at the entrances of cities on the main roads of the Emirate and they work 24 hours a day during the movement ban period, the police said on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, people in need for travel during the ban can obtain the movement permits through Abu Dhabi Police website: adpolice.gov.ae


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