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UAE: Over 45,000 fines for tailgating issued in Abu Dhabi in 2021

Drivers who harass other motorists and approach them at high speeds from behind, forcing them to vacate their lane by using reflective lighting and not leave a sufficient safety gap between vehicles, can distract drivers and result in serious traffic accidents, the Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) said.

The ADP Traffic and Patrols Directorate warned of the dangers posed by some drivers for tailgating, which resulted in 45,269 fines in 2021.

The police explained that an accident caused by not leaving sufficient distance could lead to the seizure of vehicles in Abu Dhabi. A fine of Dhs5,000 must be paid within three months from the date of seizure for the release of an impounded vehicle. If this fine is not paid in three months, the vehicle will be transferred to a public auction yard.

Moreover, a Dhs400 fine and four traffic points will be imposed on motorists, it further added.


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